CES student learner diary
On Monday 17 September, 2012, the Centre for European Schooling introduced the CES Student Learner Diary – a document that was made cover to cover uniquely for the students of the CES. It is a very innovative idea which both CES staff and students are very proud of.
The Diary is divided into different sections which include the School Rules and our Policies on Homework and Anti-Bullying. There are then a series of Exam Reflections pages. In the Day-to-Day section, the students write down the ‘Topic’ of each class they attend and at the end of that class homework is noted as well. When homework is complete, students are required to tick a series of boxes in order to see how well they understood the topic. If there is something unclear they are requested to ask their teacher.
The aims of the CES Student Learner Diary are to encourage students to:
- take greater responsibility for their learning
- become reflective practitioners
- identify their strengths and weaknesses
- enhance their learning experience
- improve their linguistic acquisition and exam grades
In addition, the CES Student Learner Diary:
- shows the students what they will learn in each class so the learning objective is clear
- allows students the opportunity to indicate how well they understand each topic
- explains to students why homework is important
- facilitates students seeing progress in their exam results with the “Exam Reflections” section
- encourages students to identify where they have gone right in their preparations for exams and to reflect on how this could be improved for the next exam
- provides students with information about the CES being part of the European Schools system
- supports the students in their learning under the guidance of their CES Tutor
Furthermore, for the parent, in addition to the above benefits, the CES Student Learner Diary:
- clearly shows a timetable with the number of periods their child has per week in each class as well as the times of the classes.
- offers significant transparency in what is taught day-to-day – in this way, parents can act as a greater support in their child’s learning
- as opposed to seeing exam results on loose pages, parents can now monitor their child’s exam results and progress
- encourages greater parental involvement in their child’s education
- provides parents with advice on helping with their child’s homework