Great news!!! The CES was granted the Global Passport!

Global Passport 2024

Secretary general

The Office of the Secretary General of the European Schools

The Secretary-General of the European Schools is Giancarlo Marcheggiano. The Deputy Secretary-General of the European Schools is Mr.

Andreas Beckmann,  Mr Giancarlo Marcheggiano 

The Secretary-General is charged with:

represents the Board of Governors;

directs and organises the work of the Office;

has decision-making power according to the statutes and reg​ulations

chairs the Admini​strative Boards of the European Schools and in that capacity coordinates implementation of the autonomy of the European Schools;

organises the a​ccreditation procedure for Accredited European Schools;

guarantees the coherence and smooth operation of the European schooling system and of the Europea​​n Baccal​aureate in accordance with the political decisions and policy guidelines of the Board of Governors, within the limits of the budget allocated;

presents an annual rep​ort to the Board of Governors on the system’s operation and performance and formulates proposals as part of a multi-annual plan;

ensures the transparency and efficiency of the procedures and the quality of the services;

participates in the selection and evaluation of management staff