Great news!!! The CES was granted the Global Passport!

Global Passport 2024

Management advisory committee


The CES Management Advisory Committee was established to act as a Board of Management for the Centre for European Schooling. It is comprised of; the CES Director, The Principals of St.Seachnall’s N.S and Dunshaughlin Community College, The CES Parents’ Representative, The CES Teachers’ representative and the Education and Leadership officer for LMETB (Chairperson).

The MAC meet roughly four times a year and their duties include sanctioning policy documents from draft, making decisions on all aspects of the CES, pilot programmes, school initiatives etc.

The format of the MAC Meetings is as follows:

Director’s Report

Chairperson’s remarks 

Principal of St. Seachnall’s National School

Principal of Dunshaughlin Community College

Parents’ Representative

Staff Representative

The MAC members for the school year 2023/2024 are:

CES Director: Nollaig Gavin

Chairperson: Fiona Kindlon

Principal of St. Seachnall’s National School: Ciara Whelan

Principal of Dunshaughlin Community College: Bridget Bennett

Parents’ Representative: Manuel Gimenez

Staff Representative: Rita Jorge