Great news!!! The CES was granted the Global Passport!

Global Passport 2024

Frequently asked questions

Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions, and answers we’ve provided. For further information, please feel free to contact the school.


Criteria apply. Please contact the CES Director for further details.

Primary School = The majority of CES pupils start school at 08.25. There is supervision provided at the CES between 08.10 and 8.25. Mainstream school begins at 09.20 and ends at 15.00 (Junior Infants & Senior Infants 09.20 – 14.00). Secondary School = Classes begin for all students at 08.55 and end at 15.50 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday classes end at 13.15. There are canteen facilities available at lunch and morning break times.

Your child can opt out of religion if you wish them to do so. In the CES, we provide Non-Denominational Ethics for students who do not take part in Religion classes. The syllabi and the topics taught can be found on our website.

European Schools’ syllabi are used for LI, LII and LIII in the primary school and in the secondary school. In addition, elements of the curricula of European Schools are used in European Hour and Ethics. The students follow mainstream curricula for all other subjects (

Pupils wear a school uniform in the Primary and the Secondary Schools. There is also a uniform for Physical Education in both schools. Further details are available from the schools. If you have any further questions please contact us at [email protected]

Primary School Mother tongue* English Language Support* Language II* (LII) European Hour* Ethics* Secondary School Mother Tongue* Language II* (LII) Language III* (LIII) * Criteria apply.

The students sit the Irish State Examinations at the end of Third and Sixth Year.

Please contact the Director: Nollaig Gavin, Telephone: +353 1 8259679, Email:[email protected]