Great news!!! The CES was granted the Global Passport!

Global Passport 2024

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Global Passport Award

We are delighted to share the good news that the CES was granted the Global Passport Award, which is an EU recognised quality mark, acknowledging and celebrating the great work...
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Seeds to Life

Seeds to Life As part of Creative February Michalis, Maks and Rebeka attended a wellbeing workshop.  The online workshop ‘Seeds to Life’ encouraged students to focus on their wellbeing as...
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Creative February

Creative February Our 3rd Year students took part in this Arts Council initiative by exploring forced perspective photography with the hashtag CreativeFebruary...
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CES Vertical Garden

CES European Hours Vertical Garden:  4th, 5th and 6th class CES students prepared, seeded and planted this wonderful Vertical Garden. Taking Inspiration from the European School Brussels IV who worked on a...
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