Christmas Card Competition
Like every year, we continued the tradition of the Christmas card competition. Students were given a Christmas inspired template that they had to decorate. We are pleased to say that we received some very artistic pieces. Picking three winners was a tough job. We are delighted to announce that the first place was given to Grace, with Joseph following in second place and Linda in third place. Thanks for all the students for their enthusiasm and creativity!
Sustainable Christmas jumpers
In Ireland Christmas jumpers are a natural part of the holiday celebrations. However, if we take a closer look at the business behind this type of seasonal clothing, we might become more aware of the huge negative impact it has on the environment and the people involved in textile production. To highlight these issues, the European Culture Committee joined forces with the Sustainability Committee. By creating the lovely activity where students could transform old jumpers into beautiful and unique Christmas jumpers they aimed to show this.
This activity, carrying a deeper message, was met with positive reactions. Students in Secondary were truly enthusiastic and creative, crafting their own jumpers using old clothing and decorations that had been “forgotten” in the back of their drawers.