Great news!!! The CES was granted the Global Passport!

Global Passport 2024
Centre For European Schooling Ireland
Centre For European Schooling Ireland
Centre For European Schooling Ireland
Centre For European Schooling Ireland
Centre For European Schooling Ireland
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Welcome To The Center Of European Schooling

The Centre for European Schooling (CES) Dunshaughlin is an Accredited European School. The CES opened on 1 September 2002 and is entirely devoted to the education of children who would be considered Category I students in a European School. Our students are enrolled at St. Seachnall’s National School and Dunshaughlin Community College and attend the CES for Language I, Language II and Language III classes (and also European Hour & Ethics in primary school).

European Schools’ curricula are taught in all languages. In addition, elements of the curricula of European Schools are used for European Hour and Ethics. Students follow mainstream curricula for all other subjects and take the Irish State examinations at the end of Third and Sixth Year.

Parents play an important and positive role in the life of the Centre for European Schooling through the CES Parents’ Association. The Parents’ Association provides parents and guardians with a forum to discuss matters of mutual interest.

Nollaig Gavin

Dunshaughlin Community College

St. Seachnall's N.S

Schola Eurpea

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St. Nicholas celebrations in the CES.

In many parts of Europe, 6 December is an important day. It is St. Nicholas Day, a day where children are given special cookies, sweets and gifts. Saint Nicholas was born...
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International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, 25 November

Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. This day is marked to prevent as well as respond to violence against women and girls and to inform...
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